
善良的蜜蜂后援会修罗武神 真的,哪怕明天去民政局都可以。”陈阳笑道。林悦溪心里一暖,过去在陈阳脸颊亲了一口,道:“明天可不行,领证是个特殊的日子,得挑选个好日子,我马上去让我爸妈看看黄历。”
Really, even if I go to the Civil Affairs Bureau tomorrow. " Chen Yang laughs. Lin Yuexi's heart warmed. He kissed Chen Yang on the cheek and said, "tomorrow is not good. It's a special day. I have to choose a good day. I'll show my parents the Yellow calendar right away."善良的蜜蜂后援会修罗武神