梅根出席“One Young World summit”开幕式时所穿的紫色连衣裙,看起来非常靓丽优雅,但事实证明,她可能是在用自己的穿衣风格向人们传递某种信息,通过这条裙子表达她对王室生活的想法。

紫色在皇室生活中有什么意义 ?紫色在皇室中有一段历史,因为最初生产紫色的染料曾经很难获得,而且价格昂贵,所以只有统治者才能买得起。在19世纪,一位英国化学家发现了如何合成这种颜色,让每个人都买得起。

英国女王伊丽莎白一世甚至禁止皇室成员以外的任何人穿紫色衣服,因为这与财富和地位有关。Queen Elizabeth I even banned anyone other than royal family members from wearing the color because it was associated with wealth and status.

在新纪录片《梅根和哈里 :非洲之旅》(Meghan & Harry: An African Journey)中,梅根就如何应对皇室生活的接受了采访,在采访结束后,很多王室粉丝都想知道马克尔的未来。

许多人认为,穿着紫色衣服是马克尔传达的一个秘密信息,表明她不放弃王室生活的决心,尽管她和哈里王子在聚光灯下承受着压力。Wearing the color purple, many believe, is a secret message Markle is conveying about her determination not to abandon the royal life, despite the pressures that she and Prince Harry experience in the spotlight.



Markle seems to send a clear message in the vibrant purple dress, as it’s a color that is significant in royal history. By wearing the color, many royal watchers believe she was quietly sending the message about her future.