"From STEM to STEAM, Structure and Mechanism Design of A-Led Innovation STEAM Education" International Symposium
There are nine days away from the opening
DATE:From October 29 to November 3, 2019
Place:College of Design and Innovation, Tongji University
峰会介绍/ Symposium Introduction
本次峰会将会将深入展开STEAM教育的构架建构及机制发展的讨论。发掘以“A”为引领,将艺术、设计、人文与科学 / Science、 技术/ Technology、工程/ Engineering、数学/ Mathematics的完美结合,以设计思维(Design Thinking)、项目式学习PBL(Project Based Learning)为基础建构STEAM的顶层框架和思维逻辑创新,并探讨STEAM教育的新途径。同时就师资建设,平台建设,国际趋势和本土化,标准化及个性化,城乡差异等重点问题作深层次探讨。This symposium will further discuss the framework construction and mechanism development of STEAM education. We will take Art as the leading discipline, perfectly combining Art, Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, constructing the top-level framework and logical innovation of STEAM based on Design Thinking and Project-Based Learning, and explores new ways of STEAM education. At the same time, in-depth discussions will be also made on key issues such as construction of teaching staff and platform, international trends and localization, standardization and personalization, and rural-urban differences.

日程安排/ Schedule

分论坛详情介绍/Pre-Forum Introduction
分论坛 1 / Pre-Forum 1: 数制工坊全球网络及本土化课程系统及实践 / Fablab Global and Reginal Networks, FAB Academy and STEAM fomula: FABX(FABOX, SCOPES)
全球FABLAB网络建设/Fablab and Global Network

Sherry J Lassiter
Fab Foundation co-founder/ Fab基金会联合创始人
Academany:通过全球Fab Lab网络进行的分布式教育计划/Academany: Distributed education programs through the Global Fab Lab network

Fiore Basile Cecilia
Fabricademy联合创始人,Fab基金会首席信息官/Fabricademy co-founder, Fab Foundation Chief Information Officer
中国数制工坊及实践/ FABO and Its STEAM practice

Jeff Ding
Fablab O|中国“数制”工坊创始人,同济大学设计创意学院副教授
Fab基金会项目之一—SCOPES-DFSCOPES-DF A Fab Foundation Project

Sarah P. Wallace
克利夫兰大都会学区Fab Lab协调员/
Cleveland Metro School District Fab Lab Coordinator
实验创新工具/Tools that create new experiments

Hyebin Goo
首尔创新 Fab Lab负责人/
Director of Seoul Innovation Fab Lab
一种新的可持续教育方法——Fablab分布式学习系统/Fablab, the Distributed Learning System: A new sustainable educational approach

Daniele Ingrassia
FABAcademy全球权威导师,莱茵瓦尔应用科学大学科学助理/FABAcademy Guru,Scientific Assistant for Rhine Waal University of Applied Sciences

分论坛 2 / Pre-Forum 2: 数制工坊STEAM课程系统衍生 / Fablab STEAM and Creative Education extentions : Textile Academy, Bio Hacking
STEAM与研究文化/STEAM & Cultures of Research

Lucas Evers
姆斯特丹Waag – Technology & Society开放Wet Lab发起 人/Initiator of Open Wet Lab at Waag – Technology & Society,Amsterdam, Netherlands
为STEM / STEAM创客教育设计有意义的学习体验/Designing meaningful learning experience for STEM/STEAM maker education

William Hooi
新加坡壹创集团(OneMaker Group Singapore)另类创客/MisChief Maker of OneMaker Group Singapore.
Foldscope - 全民科学显微镜,通用科学探索工具/Foldscope - Citizen Science Microscope, Universal Accessibility to Scientific Exploration Tools

Phanuwit Rico Kanthatham
镰仓Fab Lab助理讲师/
Assistant Instructor, FabLab Kamakura
STEM教育K-12中国落地的实践与探索/ Practical Research of Chinese K-12 STEM Education

深圳市坪山区教育科学研究所所长/ Director Institute of Educational Science, Pingshan District, Shenzhen
赋能于未来创新者/Empowering the Innovators of the Future

李顺荣 William Lee
Ultimaker亚太区总监/ Ultimaker Asia Pacific Director

分论坛 3 / Pre-Forum 3: STEAM创新教育生态圈 / STEAM Eco-System
融合的力量——智能时代的STEM教育/ The Power of Integration - STEM Education in Intelligent Era

中国教育科学研究院国际与比较教育研究所所长、STEM教育研究中心主任/Director of STEM Education Research Center of National Institute Of Education Sciences, Director of World Council of Comparative Education Societies, National Institute Of Education Sciences
区域教研如何帮助学校构建STEM课程/ How regional co-research can help schools build their STEM courses system

Director of Haidian Teachers Training Center
未来已来/ The future has come

独立学者,探月学校督学,惠灵校董,高产作家/ Independent scholar, lunar school Supervisor, Huiling school board member, Prolific writer
项目式学习/ Project-Based Learning

Founder of Sanyou PBL College
我们(郝经芳&王令杰)创作中对技术的运用/Application of technology in our(Jingfang Hao & Lingjie Wang) artistic creation

跨学科教育实践/Interdisciplinary Education in Practice

艺术家,教育工作者,现任教于上海纽约大学交互媒体艺术系,担任艺术学助理教授/Artist,Educator,Clinical Assistant Professor of Arts at Department of Interactive Media Art, New York University Shanghai

峰会详情介绍/ Symposium Introduction
如何智造万物/How to Make (Almost) Anything

Neil A. Gershenfeld
美国麻省理工学院教授,比特与原子研究中心主任;全球FABLab-“数制”工坊创始人/Professor, Director , Center for Bits and Atoms, MIT
Fablab全球和本地网络以及丰富的课程/Fablab global and local network and extensive curriculum

Fiore Basile
Fab Foundation/Fab基金会
全球织造学术/Textile Academy

Cecilia Raspanti
Fab Foundation、Waag society/Fab基金会、瓦格社区
全球生物智造学术/Bio Hacking Academy

Lucas Evers
Waag society/瓦格社区
SCOPE Steam 实战/SCOPE STEAM Practice

Sarah P. Wallace
Fab Foundation/Fab基金会
中国数制工坊和它的STEAM实践/FABO and Its STEAM Practice

Jeff Ding
Fablab O|中国“数制”工坊创始人,同济大学副教授/Founder and Director of Fablab O Shanghai; Associate Professor, College of Design and Innovation, Tongji University
基于联合国可持续发展目标的项目制学习PBL based SDG

Saverio Silli
Fablab O|中国“数制”工坊教研主任/Director of Courses, Fablab O Shanghai
亚洲Fablab年会及FAN6交接仪式/FAN 5 to FAN 6 introduction and ceremony

Hyebin GOO
Fablab Seoul Co-Found /首尔Fablab联合创始人

PBL成功策略/PBL Success Strategies

Suzie Boss
美国PBLworks委员会成员,作家,教育顾问,PBL倡导者/Suzie Boss is the member of the American PBLworks committee, a writer, an educational consultant and PBL advocate.
人工智能和设计/AI & Design

Kostas Teridis
同济大学设计创意学院 教授/Professor of Tongji D&I
STEM课程设计之我见/ My opinion on STEM course design

南京师范大学教育科学学院教授/Professor of Academy of Education Science, Nanjing Normal University
如何培养当今学习者的设计思维模式/ How to cultivate the design thinking of modern learners

Principal of Beijing Bayi Middle School
(拟)行走在STEAM教育的探索之路上/STEAM education explore(Temporarily drafted)

Hangzhou Xuejun Middle School, Principal
(拟)为未来培养创新教育人才/Cultivate innovative education talents for the future(Temporarily drafted)

西南大学附属中学,STEAM教育分管副校长/High School Affiliated to Southwest University,Vice President of STEAM Education
创造力与创新教育/Creativity And Innovative Education

中国科学院心理研究所研究员、博士生导师/ Researcher and doctoral supervisor of the Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
报名信息/Registration information
Time: October 29 to November 3, 2019
1500 RMB (full participation: 3-day workshop and thematic discussion, including all documents, Summit and Visit to Innovative Schools and Laboratories)
600 RMB (Summit for November 2 Only)
Registration and payment : register by scanning the QR code below or clicking “read the original text”The organizing committee will contact you for payment and so on after you fill out this form.

详情咨询/For Details:
Rio Xue:18621284185、021-80181915
