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阅读量:3748629 2019-10-24

Do you overuse the crown emoji and wish there was another way to elevate your text groups to royal status? Fear not: KATEMOJI and MeghanMoji are almost here. 皇冠的表情符号你是不是用得太多了,希望能有别的方式能让你的文字带点皇室范儿?别着急,马上就有凯特MOJI和梅根Moji了。
Inspired by Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle, artist Cathy Yu has released two new apps featuring the royal women in emoji form, both to be released Wednesday. Each app contains more than 100 emoji stickers, animated emojis, and hand-letter word/phrase emojis. 艺术家Cathy Yu的灵感来源于凯特·米德尔顿和梅根·马克尔,将于周三发布两款新的应用程序,主要是皇室女性的emoji表情。每款应用包括100多个emoji贴纸、卡通emoji和手写的单词/短语emoji。

MeghanMoji features some of the Duchess of Sussex’s most iconic moments, from her first kiss with Prince Harry as husband and wife to the couple cuddling under an umbrella during their tour last fall. 梅根Moji主要是苏塞克斯公爵夫人最具标志性的一些瞬间,有结婚时和哈里王子的第一个吻,还有去年秋天夫妻二人在巡访时依偎在一把伞下的瞬间。
The app also imagines some of the pair’s life behind the scenes, like practicing yoga together and sipping a glass of wine. 这款应用也想象了这对夫妻在镜头背后的生活瞬间,比如一起练瑜伽、一起小酌葡萄酒。

Meghan’s rescue dog, a beagle named Guy, also makes a few appearances, including an image of the pup wearing a blue sweater featuring the Union Jack. 梅根的救援犬也上镜了,是一只叫Guy的比格犬,其中有一个它穿着印有英国国旗的蓝色毛衣的表情。
Prince Harry also poses with nephew Prince George, and some of Meghan’s favorite purses and shoes get their own emojis. 还有哈里王子和侄子乔治王子的合影。一些梅根最喜欢的钱包和鞋子也都有自己的表情符号。
KATEMOJI highlights the Duchess of Cambridge’s favorite role: as a mom of three! 

Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis all make appearances, including George’s memorable moment meeting President Barack Obama in an adorable bathrobe. 乔治王子、夏洛特公主和路易王子都上镜了,包括乔治穿着可爱浴袍和巴拉克·奥巴马总统见面的难忘时刻。
Kate’s images also include memorable scenes from royal wedding in 2011 and her holding up a camera, as she has a passion for photography. 凯特的表情里也有有纪念意义的时刻,有2011年的皇室婚礼,还有她拿着相机的形象,因为她很喜欢摄影。
There are also some imaginative shots blending her royal life with her everyday duties, like wearing a face mask as well as a tiara and pushing a shopping cart while sporting a full-length gown! 还有一些把她的皇室生活和日常工作融合在一起想象出来的场景,比如带口罩和头饰的,还有她穿着拖地长裙推购物车的。
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