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阅读量:3747293 2019-10-24



讲授:管晓宏教授 清华大学自动化系
参考教材Textbooks: 《Useful Information for Scholars New to the World Science》
Lecture 2 Making Presentations in English(用英语做报告)(本节课内容:论文报告PPT的准备 和 参加学术会议的相关内容)
2.1 Importance and general advices (建议)1. Extremely important in one’s professional career (职业生涯中极为重要的事)
2. Turning point in many cases(转折点)
3. Best opportunity to impress people and to show how smart you are (展示自己智慧,给别人留下深刻印象)
Rule of Thumb (经验法则)
Know your audience and don’t overestimate their capability to comprehend your presentation (别高估读者)
Assume responsibility of delivery (作者承担观点传达的责任,关于delivery在上一节中有谈到)
Prepare, Prepare, Prepare
Practise, Practise, Practise
Advices in Preparation (准备工作的建议)
Use Powerpoint whenever possible
No busy silde
Copying text from your thesis is totally unacceptable (别从论文中拷贝文字)
The minimal size for text is 18 POINTS, adn occasionally is graphics 14 points can be used. Very rarely in detail graphs you can use 12 point. (字体大小一般18点,偶尔14点,极少情况的图中可以出现12点)
Both audio and visual channels of communications and more information transfer in the same amount of time.(可以同时显示视与听的信息)
The slides serves as an automatic reminder of things in the correct order (幻灯片可以自动按顺序展示)
Preparing the sildes forces you to organize and rehearse your talk and helps you uncover weak spots (准备的过程帮助你组织和排练演讲,帮助你发现小问题)
Last minute change is possible
Synchronizing with sound recording and presenting without physical presence (就算不去控制,也可以让录音和演示同步)
Use multiple slides or the animaition feature to control the display of information on your slides (使用多幻灯片或动画来控制幻灯片的显示)
Never make a slide too crowded

explanation on PPT technique of “synchronizing bullet with sound automatically”
2.2 Instructions on preparing slidesAdvices in Preparation (准备工作的建议)
Never change notations half way throught a talk by copy those in another talk to save efforts (不要为图省事从其他地方拷贝而中途变更了符号)
When useing a graphic notation, make the graphics distinct and use it repeatedly (如果使用图形符号,使之清晰,并重复使用)
Use one consistent name or label to denote one thing (命名和标志保持一致性)
Don’t use too many variables throughout. (避免太多变量)
Report reproducible experimental results with i.e. conditions defined, procedures outlined, and conclusion stated, and label your diagram and axes in graphs (报告实验结果,包括条件定义、概述步骤和结果状态等,并在标注图表和坐标轴)
Don’t over use animation and graphics(也不要有过多的图片动画,形式大于内容。)
Don’t be self-centered. What is interesting to you may not hold the same interest for the audience (避免自我为中心)
Control of talk time: no more than 15 SLIDES PER 30 MINUTES TALK for beginner(控制时间:15张以内的幻灯片,刚开始不要超过半个小时)
One hour talk=7.5 hours in front of a computer
Organization of Slides (PPT的整理)
Arrange text and graphs appropriately:example

Operation Optimization is one of most important approaches to reducing energy consumption and emission for electrical and energy systems.(运行优化是降低电力、能源系统能耗和排放的重要途径之一。)

Attend Academic Conferences (参加学术会议)
Attending conferences is essential in one’s professional career (参加会议对科研人员来说很必要)
Exchanging ideas and acquiring the most up-to-date information and ideas. (交换想法,获取最新资讯)
Meeting collegues and joining the research networks (同行见面,进入研究领域)
Career opportunities (工作机会)
Activities at a Conference(参加会议)
Plenary and keynote speeches --very important (会议与主题演讲)
Often discussing important issues on a specific topic
Often discussing future development and researche directions (常会讨论的未来发展和研究方向)
Penal discussion sessions (专题讨论)
Paper presentation sessions (论文报告)
Poster sessions (interactive session) (海报展示、互动式)
Committee meetings
Social Activites
Presenting Paper(论文报告)
Read program carefully, locate your session and be aware the time slot for presentation (确定主题,注意时间)
Meet session chair and submit your bio before your session starts. (会议前,与主题负责人碰头,提交简历)
Authors’ breakfast
Just before the session
Prepare slides strictly according to the time limit (根据时间约束严格控制PPT的长短)
Make presentation and answer questions
Participate actively and ask questions to other author and make comments appropriately (积极参与,向其他作者提问,适当地发表评论)
Avoid no show ! (不展示论文)
Participate the sessions you are interested in actively. (积极参与)
Ask questions appropriately (适当提问)
Make comments politely (礼貌地评论)
Choose one or two committee to participate and volunteer to serve (选择一个或两个委员会参与和志愿服务)
Poster Display(海报展示)
Popular supplement of presentation (公众展示)
Preparing a poster (准备海报)
Follow instruction on the space limit (遵从空间布局指示)
Printout of PPT slides --good choice (展示PPT的内容)
Display in the designated area (在指定的空间展示)
Presenting a poster (展示海报)
Accompanying the poster (呆在海报附近)
Discussing with interested viewers (与有兴趣的参观者讨论)
Taking advantages of interativities for feedback and network (获得反馈和网络交互的好处) 也就是可以实时的和感兴趣的人交互。
Poster display provides and opportunity to communicate with research colleagues. (海报展示的给研究者们互相交流的机会)

参考教材《Useful Information for Scholars New to the World Science》




吴恩达的《Machine Learning Yearning》中英文版


