【应以长者、居士、宰官、婆罗门妇女身得度者,即现妇女身而为说法。】过去无量劫前,妙庄严王的夫人叫净德夫人,她有两个儿子净藏、 净眼, 都是佛的弟子而且修行有成。净德夫人就指导两个儿子,并和他们一起度化了他们的父王。中国古代汉朝的时候,陕西的扶风县有个叫昭慧姬的女子,娴淑贤德的美名传得很远,当时的皇帝多次把她召进宫,让她教化宫中的女眷。像这种因缘的,观世音菩萨就现种种身份的妇女身给她们说法。观世音菩萨现妇女身有一张著名的画像:一个很庄严的妇女手里拎着一个篮子,篮子里有两条鲤鱼, 这个形象被称为马郎妇。
佛教传进中国, 在黄河流域得到极大的发展,但是人们贪求世间的财、 色、 名、 食、 睡,喜欢造作恶业,不修五戒十善。观世音菩萨悲悯他们,就化现了一个女子的形象,在黄河边上手里拎着一个篮子, 篮子里面装着两条鱼在街上卖。别人看到两条鲤鱼很好就想买,她却说:买我的鱼,你要拿去放生,如果不是放生的,我就不卖。那时候的人哪有什么放生的概念, 他们说:我拿钱买了鱼再放回河里去,我还不如把钱直接扔到黄河里去得了,所以就没人买。一天、 两天、 三天也没有人买鱼去放生。奇怪的是她手里的鱼三天没人买,还很鲜活,很多人就来围观,有的看鱼,有的就看这卖鱼的女子。
这个女子长得漂亮极了,就有人争着说: 你卖鱼能卖几个钱? 你到我家来吧,我给你吃给你喝。有的说: 跟我回去吧, 我给你荣华富贵。 这个女子就对他们说:你们想娶我也可以,但有个条件, 我这里有一本《普门品》,你们谁在一夜之间能把祂背出来,我就嫁给谁。 这些年轻人一听,都抢着去背 《普门品》,一夜之间有十几个小伙子都背出来了。 第二天,女子又说:你们十几个人,我一个人怎么嫁呢? 你们还是公平竞争,谁能够一天之内背会 《金刚经》,我就嫁给他。 这些人又回去背 《金刚经》, 结果只有三个人背下来了。 女子又说: 我如果选你们当中的一个,其他两个肯定不服气,还是公平竞争吧,三天之内谁能够背会《妙法莲华经》,我就嫁给他。
结果只有一个姓马的少年马郎,三天之内背出了 《妙法莲华经》,这个确确实实不容易。我希望你们以后至少要去看一遍 《妙法莲华经》,或者发心诵一遍,你就知道 《妙法莲华经》 有多大的功德了。当时观世音菩萨的化身就答应嫁给马郎,结婚的那天来了很多人, 忽然这个女子就得重病身亡,众人都唏嘘不已。死了之后, 本来很美的身体马上就开始变臭, 只好把她埋了。马郎由于很爱她,心里感到很痛苦, 一直放不下。后来观世音菩萨又化现了一个老和尚,说是卖鱼女子的亲戚来找马郎,马郎就带他去看那个坟墓。老和尚把坟墓打开一看,里面只剩下一副骨头架, 但是这个骨头架是黄金色的,骨骨相扣,这个称为黄金锁骨。老和尚用禅杖把骨头一挑,挑到禅杖上转身就走了。马郎这才知道,这个女子不是一般人,祂是观世音菩萨的化身,来度这一方不善之人的。
Eternal (Lecture on the Guan Yin BodhisattvaUniversal Door)(56)By Master Chuanxi
For whoever can be best enlightened by ladies from families of wealth by a Buddhist layman,senior officers, or brahmana, Guan Shi Yin Bodhisattva will appear in suchidentities accordingly to teach them.Immeasurable kalpas ago, the wife of the King of Wonderful Adornment was called Pure Virtue, together with their two sons named Pure Treasure and Pure Vision who were all the Buddha’s disciples. They attained these achievements through practice. Hence, Pure Virtue taught her two sons and finally persuaded the king to take refuge in the Three Jewels. During Han Dynasty in the ancient China, there was a lady named Zhao Huiji in Fufeng County,Shaanxi Province. She was so famous for her virtues that the king invited her several times to teach the ladies in his palace. In such cases, Guan Shi Yin Bodhisattva will appear as a lady to teach them Dharma.There is a famous portrait of Guan Shi Yin Bodhisattva in the appearance of a lady named Mrs Malang who had a very solemn look,holding a basket in her hand. In the basket, there were two carps. The portrait relates to a story which happened in the area of Yellow River a long time ago.
Although Buddhism had developed well in that area,people were still ravaged by the greed of wealth, lust, fame, food and sleep.They did not practice the five commandments and the Ten Good Deeds but behaved badly. Guan Shi Yin Bodhisattva had compassion and mercy for them, so He embodied ayoung lady selling two carps in a basket on the street alongside the River. The carps looked so good that many people wanted to buy them. However, the lady insisted that anyone who wanted to buy the carps must liberate them; otherwise she would not sell them at all. Who could accept the idea of liberating lives at that time? They considered: it will be a waste of money if I them. I would rather throw the money into the YellowRiverdirectly. Three days had passed, there was still no one that wanted to buy the carps and liberate them. However, to their surprise, the carps were still alive in the basket as if they were living in water. People gathered around the lady.Some of them watched the carps while others looked at the lady.
She was so pretty! They soon hoped to invite her to their home. They said: How much money can you make from selling fish? Come with me I will offer you free accommodation. Some of them said: come with me and I will give you an exquisite life. The young lady answered: I have a book named the Universal Door Chapter of Guan Shi Yin Bodhisattva. Anyone who wants to marry me should memorise the book over night.So many young men rushed to memorise the book. The next day, a dozen of them did it. The lady said: How can I marry so many of you? You’d better have a fair contest. I will marry the one who can memorise the Diamond Sutra within one day. Therefore those young men left to memorise the Diamond Sutra. This time only threecompetitors excelled the others. However, the young lady said: If I marry one of you, the other two will be upset. For fairness, I suggest you memorise the Lotus Sutra within three days and I will marry the one who manage to do that.
At last, only Mr Ma achieved the goal. It was extremely difficult indeed. I hope that you read or vow to recite the Lotus Sutra at least once, then you will realise how beneficial the Sutra is. The young lady, who was the embodiment of Guan Shi Yin Bodhisattva, accepted Mr Ma’s marriage proposal. Many people attended their wedding. However, the lady suddenly died from severe illness. All the people sighed with sorrow. Shortly afterwards, her body began to smell immediately and Mr Ma had to bury her without delay. Mr Ma loved her so much that he suffered from great pain for a long time. Guan Shi Yin Bodhisattva then appeared as an old monk to meet Mr Ma, claiming himself as a relative of his wife. Mr Ma led him to the graveyard of his wife. The monk exhumed her tomb in the witness of Mr Ma. Surprisingly, therewas only a skeleton of golden colour in the coffin. All the bones were linked to each other. The bones are called the golden collarbone. The monk took away the golden collarbone with his Zen pole and disappeared. Until that moment MrMa did not know that the young lady was not an ordinary lady but rather an embodiment of Guan Shi Yin Bodhisattva who had come to teach the unkind people there.