为庆祝第19届意大利语周,瑞士驻华大使馆、 瑞士驻上海和成都总领事馆将于10月17日至24日期间,为大家献上由瑞士意大利语区导演弗朗西斯科?瑞兹执导的影片《夜行怪客》
On the occasion of the 19th edition of La Settimana della Lingua Italiana nel Mondo (The Italian Language Week in the World) in China, the Embassy of Switzerland in China and its Consulates General in Shanghai and Chengdu will be presenting the film CRONOFOBIA, by Francesco Rizzi, director from Italian speaking part of Switzerland.
The film producer Villi Hermann will join the screening with the public in each city, sharing stories behind the movie: thinkings about time, suspended identity and psychological changes.
Suter is a solitary man, constantly in motion, escaping his true self. During the day, he travels through Switzerland in an anonymous white van while at night,
而晚上,他则偷偷地观察安娜,一个跟他同样孤独并且内心承受着巨大痛苦折磨的人,注视着她的一举一动。安娜偶然发现了苏特对她的关注和迷恋 ,一种奇妙而脆弱的平衡关系在两人间滋生,直到有一天,安娜发现了苏特不为人知的秘密
he secretly observes the life of another lonely person: Anna, a young woman struggling with a complicated form of grief. After she discovers his obsession with her, a strange relationship arises between the two. But this fragile balance is soon destroyed, when Anna finds out about Suter’s dark secret…
“Cronofobia is the story of an encounter between these two self-imposed and out of time solitudes. It is the story of two “prisoners”, strangers to each other, that struggle to find a mode of communication, to create a relationship of intimate distance.” Says director Rizzi, “I tried to create opposition also on a visual level. Suter’s world is made of malls, hotel rooms, offices and gas stations: impersonal spaces…Anna’s world, and her house, on the other hand, is a realm of shadow, of strong contrasts and bright colors: a strange private theatre immersed in a metaphysical environment, were the smallest gestures are amplified by the sound of silence.
Since it was released last year, Cronofobia was selected to different panoramas and festivals, including the 43rd Hong Kong International Film Festival, the 73rd Edinburgh International Film Festival, the 72nd Locarno Film Festival, etc. and was awarded as Best Director 2019 and Best Screenplay 2019 at Filmfestival Max Ophüls Preis (Germany), and Best Editing 2019 at Durban International Film Festival (South Africa).
Villi Hermann, Independent Swiss filmmaker and producer. Since his first short film in 1969, he has directed and produced more than 20 films and documentaries.
Among them Bankomatt was nominated at the 39th Berlin International Film Festival, Gotthard Schuh. A Sensual Vision of the World won the prize of Critics Choice Award as Best Documentary 2012 at WorldFest-Houston. Just to name a few.
作为一名资深电影人,威利.赫曼乐于发掘提携新人,与有潜力的新生代导演合作。参与制片的新生代导演作品包括Alberto Meron的短片《庇护》,《冰川工匠》,《盒子里的人》,Erik Bernasconi的剧情电影《同感》,Niccolò Castelli《伤痛青春》,Francesco Rizzi 《夜行怪客》,Daniele Ciprì《金钱伙伴》,以及最新影片《阿特拉斯》等。
Villi Hermann also produces Swiss young talents. Among those, the short films by Alberto Meroni (Ombre, L’artigiano glaciale, Tapperman), the feature films Sinestesia by Erik Bernasconi, Tutti Giù by Niccolò Castelli, Cronofobia di Francesco Rizzi and La Buca by Daniele Ciprì (minority coproduction with Italy). Atlas by Niccolò Castelli (in post-production).
1992年,担任剧情片《冬春的日子》的制片人和摄影师。1999年,但任电影《梦幻田园》的摄影指导 。2000年,在剧情片《十七岁的单车》担任摄影指导,凭借该片获得第51届柏林国际电影节评审团奖和第38届金马奖最佳摄影奖提名。2006年,执导的长片处女作《马背上的法庭》获得第63届威尼斯国际电影节地平线单元最佳影片奖 。2010年,凭借自编自导的剧情片《碧罗雪山》获得第13届上海国际电影节最佳导演奖和评委会大奖 。2012年,自编自导的青春题材电影《青春派》获得第16届上海国际电影节之第10届电影频道传媒大奖最佳影片 。2016年,执导的剧情电影《德兰》获得第19届上海国际电影节金爵奖最佳影片奖 。
As one of Switzerland’s four national languages, Italian is spoken by approximately 8.1 percent of the country’s population, mainly in the cantons of Ticino and Graubünden. Under the mission of promoting Switzerland’s cultural diversity, the Swiss Embassy and its Consulates General in China support the La Settimana della Lingua Italiana nel Mondo initiated by the Italian Foreign Ministry, and Italian culture and language each year.
Sunday,October 20 at 2:00pm
120RMB(At the door)
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